Wednesday, August 24, 2005

A New Beginning

Yesterday was the first of hopefully many training runs on the way back to good fitness and good running.


Plan was to get up at 6.30am and head to the local lake for 40-45mins easy running.

Plan stalled when I hit the snooze button a couple of times.

In the car and on the way at 7am.


Weather cool but clear – nice and fresh.

A few others out and about, running and walking.

The memory of enjoying running quickly came back, as I found a very casual pace.

Even though I was a little nervous about the niggle in my left leg, it did not flare up at all today.


I ran for 30 odd minutes, and began to think it was time to think about getting home since my 30min delay in getting going meant that getting to work on time would be tight. So I reduced the planned 3 laps to 2 but added some short extra sections to stretch the run out a little. To end I did 2 x 250m fast runs, and noticed a slight tightness in my lower back and glut muscle. A bit of stretching and home. Quick shower, breakfast and to work on time.


A good start, heres hoping that I will continue my plan.


Next run Thurs.




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