Loopy Lake morning
Firstly, a big thanks to those who read my blog and take the time to add to it with their comments.
JK & Em, I'll take you up on the offer soon. A slower pace does not bother me, in fact it would probably do me good.
Today was my first morning run in a few weeks. Taking advantage of a RDO, I headed to Lillydale Lake just after 7am. As per my recent comments the plan was to slow it down, but once under way I decided on a new plan. I would focus my fast effort in spurts a bit like a fart(teehee)lek session. The theory being that the short fast bursts would take the edge off so the remaining time would be just rolling.
10min warm-up, then once at the wetlands 1 lap slow 5m44, followed by one lap fast 4m13s (new best). After this I just cruised for another 15-20min. To finish I decided on a lap of the lake using the 250m markers for intervals. 58s, 70s, 58s, 70s, 52s, 70s, 52s, 85s (water stop), 52s. Total lap 10m40s for 2.5km.
Overall 48m running for 10km+. A thoroughly enjoyable session one that I reckon I'll duplicate again in the future.
Next run, 7am in the City.....if some buddies will meet me. If not, then happy to take any other offers for company, I don't start work till after lunch (late shift)
Depends on which day is the late start - but I have the entire day off (yippee!) Friday if you wanted a REALLY slow paced run LOL
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