Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Lake again

A reasonable start to the weeks running. This morning I got to the Lillydale lake courtesy of a later start. It was a little cool and I was pleased that I went with 2 layers incl a long sleeve. Obviously the locals thought it was too cold as no-one was out and about.

A nice gentle start and simply planned to move comfortably along. No quick sections today.
The only change I made was to venture up a hill in the new housing estate to check it out, so that added a bit of hill work.

I always find it amusing to guess what people are thinking when they see me several times running in different directions around the lake and surrounds

Overall just short of 45min, so probably 9-9.5km. A comfortable run with the pace slowly increasing as I warmed up more.

One of the guys from the cricket club moved into our estate on the weekend so I'll have to contact him soon about going for a run.

For those with the not so subtle suggestions for racing on the 23rd.....anything is possible, as it appears it may be my RDO that day due to a change.


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