Friday, September 29, 2006

Last meaningful run before MM2006

After months of ‘will I, won’t I’ thinking about entering another marathon for the year I have taken the plunge and will be running 42.2km on October 8th.

But of course with such a lack of definite thinking and goals comes the inevitable fear of disaster.

Overall I have been pleased with my running in the last couple of months, each ‘test’ has been passed with flying colours, my mileage has been consistently higher than before GOR, my pace has been tested and shown to be quicker. Unfortunately this does not take away the feeling of worry every time something small seems out of line within weeks of the event.


2 weeks ago I ran 40odd km in a little over 3hrs, then backed up with 8km @4.12 pace only a few days later. I was feeling OK.

Sunday I ran for 2hrs covering 25+km (very rough guess, but conservative) and felt really bad towards the end. Confidence dented.


Despite common wisdom suggesting now is the time to be easing off and relaxing into the race day, I once again defied common wisdom and set myself a test today, with the outcome being absolute fear of the race, or confidence boost.


Yasso’s 800’s have been used as a guide for potential race day pace. I’ve run similar sessions with some success, but never the full 10 reps on a 400m track.

Goal: 10 sets of 800m @ 3.00min with 3.00min floating recovery.

Result: Consistent reps @ 2.52-2.58, held decent form throughout, with even laps and not needing to surge to hit times, in fact often backing off to conserve. The last rep with a little more effort was comfortable at 2.53, in fact the last 3 reps were all strong. The floating recovery moved from 500m to 600m late in the session.


At no point in the run did I feel stretched or under pressure by the time, purely concentrating on the job kept me on track. I had no niggles or soreness (other than a troublesome right foot at the base of the big toe – but it does not affect anything), all major muscles felt relaxed and stress free. Afterwards I do not feel fatigued. So today did what I hoped, it has me mentally back on track and hopeful of a really strong run on the 8th.


My goal is still to run a 3:0X:XX and I would be happy with a 3:09, but I plan to hit 90min at halfway and just see what happens from there.

The one thing I must remember is to keep my head up and look ahead and around, there is nothing to be gained by looking down.


Now just pray for good winds and strong legs!!



At 29/9/06 4:32 PM, Blogger Stu Mac said...

All the best Clarkey, I think you will do quite well, without ever saying it, I think all of your training has been kind of directed at running the full on 8 Oct 06.

I look forward to hearing a positive result!

At 29/9/06 8:47 PM, Blogger Em said...

Yep, head up, face forward, look the thing square in the eye and say "you won't beat me"

I have no doubt you will reach your goal.

See you at the finish line!

At 30/9/06 7:25 PM, Blogger Steve's Stuff said...

It seems you are well and truly ready, prepared, focused and all other such descriptives for 8 Oct. Hope you acheive your goal of a sub 3.10

At 1/10/06 4:32 PM, Blogger Vicky said...

Glad to hear you've "taken the plunge" Clarkey! Sure it will go well for you on the day.


At 2/10/06 4:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best of luck Clarkey. It sounds like you've trained really well and I'm sure you'll do fine.

I just hope you don't get a day like Sunday.

At 11/10/06 1:46 PM, Blogger Steve's Stuff said...

The marathon has come and gone. Congrats on a great race.


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