Long run mis-adventure
I haven’t posted a detailed description of any of my recent training runs, but todays will be memorable for lots of reasons – hopefully none bad.
With a late start for work and the family making other plans, I decided that I could get my long run done this morning and so tomorrow will be free for family stuff.
I decided to take in a course that was generally flattish, but mixed in scenery and location. I was planning on 3hrs approx. Dreading the out and back on this occasion I went for a big loop.
2 things were tested out today, a different pair of shoes – previously only used for runs of no more than 15-16km. They are a firmer ride, so had not chosen them before when a long run was on the cards. Also a new singlet, a Nike sphere technology dri-fit. Happy to report that both seemed to have come through OK.
My first plan was to drive to Croydon aths track and start there, but once in my car I figured I could park closer to home to save time, since all I wanted to do was avoid the larger hills near home – especially at the end.
So, for those who know the east, this will give a visualisation of my run.
6.45am – parked at Croydon North shops, cnr Maroondah and Exeter.
Headed straight across to Dorset then down Bellara, I got to the walking track that takes you past Barngeong Reserve, then across Diane, along the rail line to Manchester Rd. Headed towards 5 ways roundabout, then up Lincoln. Over Dorset and continue along Lincoln to Croydon Rd. Distance check approx 6km, time 26min.
Down Croydon Rd, to roundabout, crossed rail lines towards Main St, headed behind the shops and across the Croydon Oval reserve towards the Athletics track. Once there I had a random thought that I might check the accuracy of my SDM, so I did 3 laps of the track. Seems there is a 5% error, but I had always roughly factored in about that much discrepancy – perhaps I should try and re-calibrate. But I also know that the accelerometer is affected by a range of things, so it is always just a guide.
Anyway, 3 laps at about 4m15s pace, then a quick drink. Distance approx 9.5km 43min.
Then along the trail to Eastfield Rd, across Bayswater Rd to the trail parallel, then to Canterbury Rd across to Bungalook and onto the Dandenong Creek trail. I followed this to my eventual return point at the HE Parker Reserve. But knowing that I needed some extra km, I planned to follow the trail and double back. I went past Boronia Rd and to the water tap at Koomba Reserve. This was my first mistake, somehow I got my ‘guestimates’ wrong and I went too far down the trail, leaving myself a very long return to the car. Distance approx 22km 1hr35m.
At this point I knew 2 things. Even if it was only 21km to this point – I had gone too fast. Regardless of the pace, I had an interesting run ahead of me, as one shoe was rubbing my heel slightly. Fortunately I was able to pull up my sock a little more and tightened my laces, it seemed to do the trick. But also I had no real idea how I would feel in the 3rd hour particularly.
I eased back into the run, returning back to HE Parker 90s slower (29min), but this may be in part due to taking the gravel side of the creek, with more hills etc, and everyone knows upstream is uphill…..
Through the reserve and up to the rail line, across Canterbury Rd and continue. Follow the trail to Lena then Bedford rd, across and to Hill st, then into the Ringwood Lake reserve. Here I stopped for water again. All the uphills were now behind me. Distance approx 32km 2h24m
At this point, every time I had to stop for a crossing or had to step up a curb, it was not fun. My lower back was starting to object, but my legs were otherwise OK. At this point it would have been nicer on a secluded trail where I could just find a rhythm and run, but no such luck. Its amazing how all flexibility and agility disappears even though you can still run a straight line fairly strongly.
Across Maroondah Hwy, then to the Mullum Mullum Creek Trail. This was better, but there are still 3 or 4 crossings and waiting for cars etc. Across Oban Rd, then onto Highland Ave, weave to Kirtain then Yarra Rd. While not sure of the distance, I was approaching 2h55m and from here it was basically downhill, but that did not mean an easy roll back. A real mental battle to keep my momentum forward and ignore the tightness in my back.
From Yarra Rd, it was follow the Maroondah Hwy back to Exeter Rd. The steep downhill to start was tough, then the rolling downhills to finish was simply about telling myself that it was not long to go. Keep a rhythm. Don’t quit. You idiot, how did you stuff this up…..etc
Back at the car, I stopped my watch at 3h06m running (stopped at crossings etc). My SDM showed 3h13m, I stopped it a couple of times when fixing shoes / longer drink stop etc. Overall I was out and about for about 3h20m. I wasn’t game to look at the distance recorded at this point, so I just wandered around, drinking my Gatorade, making sure I didn’t seize up or get a cramp in the hammy or anything.
Overall distance – SDM shows 42.09km, but factor in an error of approx 5% so it could be really 40km. Either way, it was too far to be running in the morning before having to work. But, after a stretch, and food / drink / shower etc. I felt OK. A little stiff in the legs but not too bad, my lower back has relaxed and no problem. No evidence of strained muscles or joints etc. So hopefully I come out with no problems that linger. Tomorrow, I will be doing plenty of walking so that will help loosen things up, then potentially a light 7-8km on Sunday evening.
If you’ve lasted this long, then you may also be interested to know that today was supposed to be my last long run before deciding to enter the Melbourne Marathon. So far I have had no dramas with my running so was ever hopeful of entering – even though I didn’t ever say I was strictly preparing for it. Today confirmed that despite a few extra months of running, the back end of 42.2km is still going to be extremely tough. But, if no niggles or problems arise between now and the 21st, then I’ll be submitting my entry to run my 2nd marathon this year.
My goal will be to run a 3:0….something, but anything under 3:14:49 will be a good day out.
Epic ends.
Crikey mate, you don't do things by halves do you???
I get terrible back ache on long runs (or my version of a long run lol), so I was feeling your pain there :-(
My godness Clarkey, that was a Long, long run!!
Great stuff Clarkey and you lost me when you got out of the car anyway ;-)
Good luck with Mara 2 Clarkey.
Always interesting to read your run blogs, I couldn't train like that but it works beautifully for you.
bloody hell, you did 40k plus on a training run? Are you mad?
How are you feeling today? Sore?
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