Saturday, August 04, 2007

4th August, 22km 2hrs, Spans

First outing with the MM2007 long run group today. There is some detail on the Ausrun forum thread, so I won't duplicate too much.

MMR showed the course as 21.6km so given errors would be 22km plus a little bit.
Total running time was 1hr58m but definitely over 2hrs with stops etc.

This was the slowest I would have run 22km in a very long time. However, I thoroughly enjoyed the time on the road, and with a group of 12 there was plenty of chatter. It was great to have some really appreciate the course and the support they received.

We'll see how this group goes, but if the numbers get up then there will be a need for more leaders particularly when the distance gets up over 30km.

For me it was nice to back up a hard run on Thursday with some extra distance today and have the legs feel good and fresh.

Might even try and get onto a session of 1km reps this week......


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