Thursday, September 15, 2005

I have a shed

What is it about acquiring things that helps us feel like we are accomplishing something?
Today I came home to a new garden shed. I paid for delivery and installation, so there wasn't the 'I built this' feeling (although I did lay the concrete slab), but there was a definite feeling of something good.

Have you ever had this feeling?

Is it something linked to success? or an accumulation of 'things'?
Maybe for me it was like ticking a box, one task out of the way.
Admittedly, the shed will make things easier for storage etc, and Mrs Clarke had been asking a little more frequently about it.

If it is about gaining completion, I wonder if I will learn from this feeling and be a little more proactive to get some other things sorted out? Unfortunately I don't hold out much hope, as I am one for great ideas, but a little slow on the 'get it happening' or 'get it finished' (read: concrete was laid in May...)

Either way, I'll enjoy filling up my shed!!



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