PolCom - 4
As mentioned I attended a First Aid course for the last 2 days, and a comment made by the trainer got me thinking about a topic briefly mentioned on the Ausrun forum a little while ago.
The comment was along the lines of ‘people who have had some form of First Aid training are less likely to have accidents while driving or in the workplace’. I can’t exactly recall if or how this was substantiated, but that aside and assuming it is correct why our government doesn’t do more to get more people trained in First Aid.
This is in a similar line to the issue of obesity and lack of fitness in society. The government would know how much money is being spent on health and how many lives are lost due to avoidable life choices, yet there is a far greater push to publicise other causes of death (eg road toll, drug abuse etc).
Surely a government that is looking out for the interests of the public would start to consider how to get more people living a health and fitness conscious lifestyle, and getting safety training etc if these things will directly contribute to a reduced burden on the health system, a greater quality of life and a reduced death toll from avoidable life choices.
We all know that participating in exercise and healthy eating does not come for free, and attending training is not free either. Doing nothing certainly comes at a great discount…. So why are these positive activities not subsidised by the government in some way? Surely it can be done through the tax system, reduced Medicare levy for a healthy lifestyle choice – I know I don’t use the $800+ I contribute via tax each year, tax deductions for exercise equipment over a certain value, or gym / club memberships.
There has to be a way our government can make a positive impact on the people in society and their health and fitness.
PS – For those curious minds wondering if I am doing anything about the topics I raise on this little blog? Currently I am working towards learning who the best people to contact are in order to discuss these issues.
If you have a strong feeling one way or another on any of , then leave a comment – make YOUR feelings known too.
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