Thursday, February 23, 2006

Catch-up time - Runs 19, 20 & 21

Well last week didn't go quite to plan.... but I did get to run on both Saturday & Sunday.

Saturday ended up being another run with R4Kids, another run leader got an injury so I was required to fill in. Took the 10k slow group, I had 11 runners with me and we held approx 6min k's for most of the course, the hills took a bit of pace off. We all got back safely in about 63min. For me it was just a case of keeping the legs moving, but enjoyable to see others get so much out of it.

Sunday night, I realised that if I didn't run it would be 2 weeks in a row with only 2 runs.....not good, so at 9.40pm I decided to get out for my local 'killer loop' a hilly 8k course that has made me walk more than once. But its funny how in the dark everything is a bit different, and the hills didn't seem so bad. Certainly no walking, but a bit of pain to keep me honest. I don't think the Taco Bills for dinner helped, but I did not feel good once the heart rate got up. I took some splits for future reference as I want to use this course for Puffing Billy training. Final time 37.15, not sure how close to my best but much better than my worst effort!! Very happy once all done.

Tuesday, week 2 at the Prince Patrick and the group was bigger. Several return runners which was great, and our Medium 10k group was able to come home about 2min quicker than last week, covering the course in about 54min. I felt very comfortable (as I should at that pace), but it is good to be on the move for nearly an hour regularly.

Feeling good on my feet these days, no niggles or discomfort.


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