Pol Com - new IR laws
I am finding it more and more curious as both the government and the ACTU (opposition) go back and forth with the propoganda for the new Industrial Relations laws.
I am no expert, but have worked under both an EBA and now an AWA for over 6 years, plus did a few IR subjects in uni.
What I don't understand is that neither side seem to acknowledge that collective agreements have been in place for many years, they are not the 'new thing' that the beat ups are suggesting.
Furthermore, why is the government ignoring details like the protection mechanisms in place to ensure the validity of these agreements. Surely no government would be crazy enough to remove such protections.....would they??
Having the position of senior management currently, and with the plan to be a business owner in the future, I can see many of the intricacies of employment contributing to this debate. My personal opinion is that a mechanism for negoitiation is a good thing, but there needs to be a clearly defined and properly administered safety net.
Employers need the opportunity to match the conditions of employment to the business they operate. Employees need the opportunity to negotiate some give and take so the job can match their needs and lifestyle more closely. But it can't be a one way street for either, employers can't have the chance to abuse their strong position and employees can't be given the right to ask for more and more without some trade offs.
Personally, I would like to see both sides of this debate getting into details and forget about the 'spin' that is currently on offer. Both sides are wasting money - whoevers it is - without giving any substance to the argument. Give the tax payer some credit, lay it all out on the table, then ask people to comment / support / debate.
More information please!!
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