Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Tuesday....a run before training

With and RDO and cricket training in the arvo, I took advantage of the ability to get in a run.
I decided to try running on the Mullum Mullum Creek trail near Croydon, it was pretty good a fair bit of gravel and a few ups and downs, well shaded, very nice.

I figured I had 30 mins so took it a bit harder than my last run, approx 15min out and the same back. Funny how when you are not regularly running time seems to go slow.... I was well and truly huffing and puffing, but happy to be out again. At the turnaround - just before the Ringwood bypass, I stretched and again the knee felt fine!! On the return it was hard work, but I managed to come home in about the same time.

30 odd mins and 6ks+ (not measured yet) so happy enough with that.

As for running before training - well it worked out OK, but once daylight savings comes in and training is 2hrs+ I'm not sure it will be a good idea.

I'll try to get up for a run Thurs am.



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