Tuesday, May 15, 2007

15th May - 7km and an explanation

Not hard to see that I’ve been pretty lazy since the GTR….. but last night I decided enough was enough.


The start of that was me getting up just after 6 this morning and doing a 7km course around home.

Just taking it easy and making sure I got home in time to get ready for work.


Found it a little tougher than I thought I would, so I’m suspicious that I really haven’t completely cleared the cold that I had.

But I also had some really weird perception and balance issues this morning, I nearly lost my balance a couple of times when doing a head check before crossing roads or intersections, and judging the distance / speed of cars coming down the road seemed uncertain. Hopefully it was just because I hadn’t completely woken up before running, but I’ll keep an eye on it.

It was also strange that when I woke up (after alarm failed) my eldest boy was in our bed, on my side, and I had no idea when he got there….


Anyway - a nice fresh way to start the day. 7km in approx 32min.


Shoes: Elites.




I posted on Ausrun that I’ll not be stopping by as regularly to contribute. Its no secret that I struggle to find a consistency with my running, this is due to no-one but my failure to make the right decisions. I have a hectic home life with the 2 boys and a random work schedule. The only constant thing is that early mornings are free.


My other choices, have not been adding positively to either my fitness goals or my future business goals. I’m fortunate to be in a great position on both fronts; I am consistently fitter than ever before due to 17 months of half decent running base & I have an extremely exciting business opportunity on the brink of going ahead. It is almost negligent of me to give less than a high priority to both these facets of my life.


So what does that mean:

  1. Get to bed earlier so I can easily get up in the mornings to run, in theory a 5.50am wake-up for a 6am start should be an easily achieved goal if I am getting the right amount of sleep. Midnight and later every night was never going to work for me long term.
  2. To make this a habit, it has to be 5 times a week, so that the early start is the norm and not the exception.
  3. Realise its OK to run for only 30-40min, better that than nothing at all. Learn to get satisfaction from short sharp work, as much as a testing 1hr run. (I think I’ve become a 1hr+ snob – so have to change that….)
  4. Evenings will continue to be family time, but once boys are asleep, my time has to go towards my business goals. Otherwise I’ll forever be wondering why my ideas and aspirations never turn into a reality.
  5. My forum time will be limited to lunch-time reading (no posting) and weekend clean-up of dodgy users and post contents. I’ll still keep up with what people are doing and achieving as that always drives me to try to keep improving also.
  6. Of course I’ll keep up with the blogs that I subscribe to, its often the most enjoyable reading I do.


So stay tuned for the re-focussed runner and better prepared future business owner.




In order to remove some of the mystery about the current business project; I am working with a partner to bring a new brand of Kids Play Centres to Melbourne. I’m sure you’ve seen or heard of the indoor playgrounds for parties / play etc, with cafĂ© attached. We have signed a confidentiality agreement with the brand so I have to be careful with my discussions these days. Our next step is a face to face meeting with the brand in Sydney, so hopefully we can get some indication of how close we are to an agreement or confirmation of their willingness to work with us specifically. It’s very exciting!!



The new era begins now.


At 15/5/07 11:51 AM, Blogger Ruune said...

Well good luck to you Clarkey on both fronts. Hope to occasionally catch up with you around the traps, and hopefully you will still be a part of team ausrun for the GTR 2008.

At 15/5/07 8:18 PM, Blogger Andrew(ajh) said...

Clarkey, sounds like a very good, focussed plan. I wish you all the best with the business venture which sounds like one that hopefully can not only be financially beneficial, but also one where you get to see some very positive physical results too, which is all too oftne not the case in business these days. But what could be better than seeing lots of kids having a ball on some equipment you have helped to construct. Good luck with it!

At 15/5/07 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How exciting. Having been to a few with my godson I can assure you that I think I was having more fun than the kids. My best friend jokes that she takes both her son and me along to tire us both out :-)

Best wishes.

PS - My tip, hire people who can make a decent espresso and you are 90% there!

At 15/5/07 11:05 PM, Blogger Stu Mac said...

I hope we (the royal we) all get to be a part of the new era! Meaning reading and listening to the stories on some 40 minute runs!!!

At 17/5/07 11:01 PM, Blogger Clarkey said...

You guys know that I'll not be too far away, and really once I get my habits in order then I can get back to other fun stuff.


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