Wednesday, August 22, 2007

22nd August - 11.5km, 53min Skylon

Seems a pattern is emerging. Run long Saturday, plan a run Sunday - don't, feel crap Mon / Tuesday, run Wednesday night.....

This week I even laid out my clothes on Sunday night ready for early Monday morning, only to have them still waiting for me at 8.45pm tonight.

Anyway, out tonight and found a slightly different loop of local streets. Rolled along at a steady clip realising that with my long runs being much slower I need to keep the legs sharp and ready to run 42km at 5min/k's.

Up and down hills was a good workout. The long hill up Victoria Rd is always a test. I decided the best test of my resolve was to tackle Wainwright Dr hill. It looks pitiful on the mmr profile, but its a steep hill that kicks steeper for the last 100m or so. I've never run up it before so I guess it was a mental hurdle too.

On the way home I had some sort of OCD eppisode where I desperately wanted to avoid covering the same bit of ground on the way home, so I extended a bit. Then I avoided the impulse the extend the run further - a shame in hindsight as I would have made the run more than 12km..... I spose thats the problem of running without a watch.

I'm feeling most ashamed that my content is almost purely running journal stuff lately, but I'm feeling little or no inspiration to comment on lifes other oddities....

Although - I can update on a few projects I've been looking at. Kids Play centre is still in the works, but more likely 12-18months away. Other smaller business ideas have been circling, just to get into the ownership mix. Also looking at possible property projects, since the MIL now needs a smaller home, we may be able to jointly build a duplex - one for her and one to rent out. SO you can see the choices are plentiful, just need the 'lightning strike' to tell me which one to chase the hardest.....


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