Wednesday, June 20, 2007

20th June - 8km, ??min (Per)

After 3 false starts - really not getting the hang of getting up in the morning - I finally got out the door tonight.

Went with the get changed and then wait method, for me it meant wait until 2 boys showered and at least one boy was in bed. Hindsight says I should have waited a little longer for the dinner to settle.....

Run plan was zero, except for the route which was the reverse direction shorter hill course with a slight variation.

No watch, not time checks, just run.

Felt OK in sections but generally felt very blah in the stomach, despite running regularly last year after dinner, I think the motivation was different so it was a necessary evil. These days its just painful.

I know the running was not fast nor slow, so I'm comfortable that it was worth getting out there. Felt like I had a good stride rhythm on the uphills and everything else was nice and controlled without having to labour the pace or momentum.

Not sure about the sleeping in business, I've been heading to bed earlier than normal, but still hitting snooze and going back to sleep, often leaving barely enough time to get ready for work....hopefully some slightly later starts in the next few weeks will help.


At 21/6/07 8:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dark and cold, I am hitting the snooze button too.


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