Tuesday, June 05, 2007

4th June - dark and early

Up and out a little later than planned, but 6.15am was early enough.
Twas pretty chilly and dark, but I was pleased to be up and about.
Planned loop was the Mooroolbark course, but decided to avoid the Manchester Rd path and ran down the middle streets which is a more twisty option but means I can run on the road instead of the footpath.
Given we are in the middle of school shopping with #1 going into prep next year, I was interested to find that Bimbadeen was almost exactly 2.5km from home, almost walking distance....
Its a nice downhill stretch into Mooroolbark central, and along the way I was quietly amused at the commuters being dressed ready for work and on the way to the train at 6:40am, while I was only 25min into my run, with another 26min to go, then home breakfast (for me and boy) get ready and to be at work about the same time as the commuters!!!!

During the run I felt a little chill in the hands but that was all. The gentle light coming in at the end was very nice. Pace was comfortable. Covered almost 11km in 51min.

Shoes: Perseus


At 6/6/07 11:10 AM, Blogger jojo said...

i just cant drag my A out of bed for a run in the chilly morning..it feels like my ankles will snap! brrrrr... sound s like you enjoyed it


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