Monday, June 11, 2007

9th June - 29min dash, 6.6km (ZE)

Not quite a dash, but the feeling was…..quick get in a run so that its done: 30min is better than nothing.


Evening run, dinner postponed so as not to run on a full steak laden stomach, I figured that in 30min I should cover at least 6km.

I picked a bit of a mongrel course, not quite in line with anything I normally run, just a mish mash of streets near home.


Initially I was going to steer clear of any real hills and just run the flatish loops near home, but that gets so dull and boring… I just pointed my toes the other direction and made it up along the way.


Towards the end I ventured up a hill I ran once when I first moved into the area. It was such a painful experience that I’d never run it again.

Keep in mind this was back in mid ’04 when my running was even more sporadic.


Up I went, almost laughing at how easy this little rise was…..geez I was a running wimp back then.


Nearing home, a watch check showed me at 26min if this was 6km then I was going to pull the pin. But of course my speed was not that hot, and SDM indicated 5.8km, so a lap of the block to bring me to 6.6km in 29min. So overall my happification level (that’s for you JH) was good.


Tonight was about teaching myself:

  1. To just get out there.
  2. That shorter is OK.
  3. It does not have to be an all out effort run.


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