Friday, June 29, 2007


Thanks to JH, I've got a list to complete, but the trouble is I am not following nearly enough blogs so I have no one to tag at the completion.
So this is a shameless plea for someone rescuing me from being the Dag who ended the Tag.

  1. Where is your cell phone? Kitchen
  2. Relationship? marriedlongtime
  3. Your hair? disappearing
  4. Work? hohum
  5. Your sister? overseas
  6. Your favourite thing? food
  7. Your dream last night? nonevent
  8. Your favourite drink? pineapplejuice
  9. Your dream car? BMW
  10. The room you’re in? lounge
  11. Your shoes? collection
  12. Your fears? hopelessness
  13. What do you want to be in 10 years? retired
  14. Who did you hang out with this weekend? kids
  15. What are you not good at? failure
  16. Muffin? lots
  17. Wish list item? acreage
  18. Where you grew up? Coffs Harbour
  19. The last thing you did? movedcar
  20. What are you wearing? houseclothes
  21. What are you not wearing? hat
  22. Your pet? fish
  23. Your computer? Asus
  24. Your life? content
  25. Your mood? relaxed
  26. Missing? summer
  27. What are you thinking about? Queensland
  28. Your car? family
  29. Your kitchen? nice
  30. Your summer? tooshort
  31. Your favourite colour? red
  32. Last time you laughed? 3.5sec
  33. Last time you cried? I'masoftie
  34. School? longago
  35. Love? life

So now its up to a rescuer to save the momentum....


At 30/6/07 2:39 PM, Blogger Andrew(ajh) said...

Sorry Clarkey, I'd volunteer, but it was me who tagged JH!

At 30/6/07 3:12 PM, Blogger JH said...

I'm not sure you can self-tag. It's against the spirit of the thing.

At 1/7/07 5:27 PM, Blogger jojo said...

ummm..i think pineapple juice is 2 words...just cos you dont use spaces doesnt mean you can

At 2/7/07 11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can assure you, you are not the only dag to end the tag! Everyone I know in blogland had aleady done it and was definitely not going to tag a stranger, lol!

At 2/7/07 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always suspected you were a bit of a softie :-)


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