15th Sept, 35km, Span
Long run with the MM07 training group today.
After a better week which had a couple of good runs completed meant I felt a whole lot better about the long time on the legs.
The niggle in the leg was noticeable early in the run, but then disappeared for most of the run. Only coming back again once we were well past 2hrs on the road. But it does not get any worse than mild discomfort, so with some care it will not be a problem for Oct 7.
The run itself was enjoyable today, everyone was moving along pretty well, a large group of 13 runners. We were basically running the Capital City Trail, but amended it slightly to allow for some different scenery along the way.
The plan was for 32km, but it seems that by the time we were done it was closer to 34km. For me I ran an extra loop of the MCG concourse just to sweep up any stragglers if needed, but also to get some distance in late in the run at a better pace.
I'm feeling very positive about the requirements for Oct 7, I feel that 5min/k pace will be very comfortable and my fitness is good. I'm even beginning to wonder what to aim for in the weeks after the event, since I've got a big base (for me) just need to tweak the speed for possibly some fast shorter races. Time will tell if this is ambitious.
So I'm back onto the creams and pills to get this leg right. I will keep running every second day now until the race.
Thanks Clarkey, I had a good run. I noticed the group for this run was stronger than the group two weeks ago, in that all were confident with the distance.
The slight deviation was a good idea but remember when running back on ourselves lefts and rights are all reversed. I wrote my blog up yesterday and forgot all about that aspect.
Maybe the group seemed stronger cos I wasn't there :-)
Look after that leg, hope to see you for next weeks run.
sounds like you are getting fitter and stronger Clarkey!
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