Monday, October 16, 2006

Marathon #2 & Random Ramblings

I know the marathon was run over 7 days ago now and have made no mention of it, but I figured most people who would read this have probably already read about my adventure somewhere else. In case you missed those, you will find a race report from Clarkey on both the Ausrun forum and the Coolrunnings forum.


So I suppose here I can post some alternate perspectives to those that I had previously posted, with 7 days to ponder the marathon aftermath its amazing how many theories and thoughts go through your mind.


It has to be said that my recovery from this race was not as smooth as that after GOR. In May I felt ready to run again on Tuesday. Unfortunately this time, immediately after crossing the finish line, my back decided enough was enough and brought me to a sudden and painful stop. So from crossing the line until probably Wednesday I had a significant limp. This was amplified by the rather sore right foot that really hit me on Monday morning.  By Thursday / Friday I was walking much better and generally the aches / pains had subsided.

The frustrating thing was that my muscles felt really good, so if the other problems had been absent I would have felt pretty good. So it goes without saying that I did not run all week. In fact I am yet to go for an official run since last Sunday.


I did however make my first appearance for my cricket club on Saturday, which I was not exactly bouncing around for, since first thing Saturday morning I got another back spasm which left me ginger most of the day. By 12.30pm I was feeling OK, we batted first, when I was in my back felt fine, running between the wickets was no problem. We bowled in the 2nd innings and I was worried the action would cause me a problem, but I was OK. I bowled 4 overs, but there was no chance I could bowl again later as I cooled down I got steadily stiffer through my back.


Again, frustratingly, I feel worse now after 1 game of low grade park cricket than I did after 42.2km of running…..go figure. But it does highlight that the body can withstand anything that it has been trained to do, but ‘out of the ordinary’ activity is asking for sore muscles.


Back to running – so my first official run will hopefully be tonight, a very light roll along just to get back into the swing.


Marathon tales: (Some of the things that I really did not remember to mention in other ramblings)


Right from the start I had decided that I would not look at my watch too often. My theory for this was to try and mimic GOR when the markers were non existent. So early on I had little or no awareness of km by km splits. Apart from the 5km updates from the pacers and the fact that we should have been on 4m15s pace I did not know if we were steady or what. So it was with some surprise that I found several quick splits at sub 4.10. The change that I did make was to start looking at my splits once trouble started this is something I did not do during the Burnley half. I reckon this helped ensure I did not blow out further.


BTW – here are the km by km splits.


4.33, 4.12, 4.06, 4.09, 4.11 – slow start then quickly up to speed


4.07, 4.11, 4.12, 4.13, 4.17 – steady but gaining on the req 4.16’s


4.14, 12.29, 4.20 – missing 2 splits showed I was no looking at the splits when they went by…


4.19, 4.18, 4.20, 4.12, 4.10 – I think there may have been a few small undulations through this section


4.22, 4.15, 4.01, 4.32, 4.14 – obviously a marker out of place at 23km (but I didn’t notice)


4.14, 4.13, 4.15, 4.14, 4.21 – even splits holding strong


4.19, 4.12, 4.15, 4.25, 4.28 – to 33km OK, then it started to slide


4.20, 9.29, 4.52, 4.59 – obviously the CR’s at 35km helped km #36 but quickly backwards from there…


5.12, 5.53 – one really ugly km, then back under 5min/km – just….


The big difference I experienced was the pacing group; it has been pretty rare for me to have the same people around me for long durations. During GOR I had 2 runners with me at different stages, but never a group. In other fun runs, people move forward and back along the way. This time there was a group of over 20 runners for the first half, then with 10 or so sticking together for the 2nd half, by the time I dropped out, there was about 8 runners left. Early on this did not cause any dramas, except at drinking stations, as everyone tried to find the right possie to grab a drink. Initially I dropped back a bit but as fatigue set in I was more determined to stay closer to the pace leader, so at least once I missed a drink. Trouble was everyone else had the same idea…..

Tired legs also nearly caused a couple of stacks as runners moved on their line etc. For me it provided a bit of distraction, I chatted to a couple of different runners, but given the pace, this was not a day for lengthy discussion. I often was at the back of the pack through choice, so this allowed me the option to move to the side protected from the wind if preferred.


Would I run with a pacing group again?? Probably not as closely, more likely would be to try a get 50-100m in front and then hold my ground, using the ‘fear of being caught’ mentality, but it would allow a bit more even and natural running space I believe. On the other hand, my next outing will be looking for a 2:55, so if the 3:00 guys catch me – then I am well behind so might use them to drag me home….


Did I take in much of the scenery? A little, but not much. With a close group it was not wise. When the road opened up a little I did have a look around. I have not spent much time in the area, particularly in the first half, so I didn’t have many familiar landmarks to look out for. I was pleased to see a decent number of people on the roadside; a big difference to the solitude of the GOR – if you like crowds then GOR is not for you.

There were a couple of places where the road took a big turn to the left giving a nice dose of headwind, again unexpected with lack of local knowledge.

I think I might drive down there one day just to have a look at the place I ran….


Now, what about my feelings towards marathons in general? Will I race more marathons? Yes, that is a given unless a 2:5X becomes wildly out of reach. Will I always race marathons or will I take a more relaxed approach. In this question I am convinced that I will enjoy running 42.2km even on days when I am not going for a pb. I know this because I have plenty of training runs, and two 4hr+ epics in particular, that far exceed the time it takes me to run a marathon, and I just loved being on the road for that length of time, despite the pain at the end….  So, I suppose that means I would be open to requests for pacing someone to their goal time at a marathon in the future.


Strategy for chasing 2:55 and below. Only time will tell, but for now my running won’t change. I will see how my pace and endurance changes with time. Remembering that this year is the first year I’ve had any consistency, even if it was only a Clarkey version of consistency. Another 3-6-9 months of the same thing might naturally bring extra pace and endurance. But if not, then I will have to look at ways to bring improvement. Common logic says more km, and I can concede this as a valid approach, after all many have succeeded using that method. Realistically, I am never going to be on the podium, so I have to balance the preparation with the required result. Even if I never race quicker than 3.03, there are plenty who don’t get even to that point, so I have no complaints and consider myself very lucky to have 2 good marathons under my belt.


But, perhaps surprisingly (or not so much), I am starting to look towards other events as my next challenge/s, perhaps events of greater duration or distance, where the completion and not the time is the main goal. In the back of my mind I have a belief that at roughly 5min/km (if that is the starting pace), I could run for a very long time, so the temptation is to test exactly how far that might be…..


There is an adventure race later in the year, all it would take is for someone to half indicate that they were keen, and I reckon I’d start working on my arms for the paddle leg of the race…..


What about my running for the rest of 2006? I still have my original goal to run 150 times for the year, and there is a reasonable chance that I will get to 1500km for the year, so that might be nice. I do like my training runs that last for about an hour, so I think they will become the bread and butter of my running. Plus, I found I enjoyed the speedier Yasso’s type sessions, so with the local reserve handy it will be a session I run regularly.


Time to get myself back into a ‘routine’, 29 more runs for 150, then after that it’s just bonus time.


A thought just occurred to me…. Would anyone consider a group run that starts in 2006 and finishes in 2007?? Now there’s a run worth considering!! (But in which year would you log the km???)


If you took the time to get this far then you probably deserve a little gem to take away:

“When someone does something that gets under your skin, remember they were probably not trying to piss you off”

So just take a breath and be the better person by walking away.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

100 things

Since everyone else seems to be in the sharing mood, so will I.....

My 100 things

1. Born Jan 1977, Pambula NSW.

2. Mum & Dad were on hols, so my first and only ambulance ride was when 1 day old.

3. I've lived in 15 homes in 3 states.

4. I first knew I could run fast for a long time when I was 8.

5. I was school vice captain

6. When I topped my class in Grade 6, my mum gave me a present, I still have it and wear it around my neck 24/7. But only started wearing it again recently.

7. My Mum died only 1 month after I was married.

8. I was married at 21y 2m 1w 4d old.

9. I met my wife when we were 8 & 9 yrs old, we dated in High School then broke up for 5yrs, then were married 15 months after getting back together.

10. We have 2 boys, 4yrs & almost 2yrs.

11. We live in our own home, our first.

12. I am the eldest of 4 kids.

13. I was the only one not school captain

14. I am the only one to have gone to university

15. I have been to the USA & New Zealand

16. I went to the Olympics. For Free.

17. I went to the 2002 AFL Grand Final. For Free

18. I have been to the Oz Open tennis Centre Court twice. For Free

19. I worked for Nike for 5 yrs. Hence 16-18.

20. I like most sports, but am not an expert in any

21. I have played squash, touch rugby, basketball, indoor cricket, cricket, indoor soccer, athletics competitively. But didn't start until I was 13 or 14.

22. I learned to drive in a 22 seater bus when I was 13, I first drove on the open road when I was 14.

23. My Learners permit was passed when 16 and 1 day. My P's on the day I turned 17.

24. I have really only owned 1 car. Since then my cars have been bought by my wife.

25. I delivered pizzas for 3.5 yrs

26. I was on a Supreme court murder trial jury when 19, for nearly 5 weeks.

27. I seem to gravitate to leadership positions, even accidently, but I enjoy it

28. I like to get into the garden, having our own home has allowed me to do this

29. Our small car has been registered in 4 different states.

30. I ride motorbikes. I have had 2 registered bikes and one bush basher. My current bike is off the road and I would like to sell it.

31. My next bike will be a Honda Gold Wing, lounge chair on wheels.

32. I love being outdoors, we used to camp and will do so again once the boys are a little older

33. I enjoy the company of positive, easy going people

34. I love spending time with ambitious people with a desire to do something and chase a goal

35. I am not a dancer or a musician, my creativity is there but limited and rarely used, as I prefer facts and figures.

36. Apparently I can sing a little, but am not brave enough to get too many opinions on this

37. I like fixing things, but don't think I would have the patience to be a tradesperson

38. I have never had a smoke or tried any drugs. I have never been drunk and don't drink much

39. I have a growing interest in politics and am amazed that Australians tolerate some of the things that go on.

40. I do not have extravagant tastes, but do like expensive toys.

41. Only 3 pairs of my sports shoes have NOT been Nike, 2 of those times was because Nike didn't make the specialty style required.

42. I own more clothes than my wife, but mostly due to freebies from my last job

43. I do have a faith in God & Jesus Christ, but my current struggle is with the church. There is a difference, feel free to ask me one day.

44. The dog my parents bought me in 1992 recently died, but since I left home and he didn't, I haven't seen him in a while.

45. My wife loves cats....I don't

46. My recent drink of choice is bourbon and coke, but would probably still choose pineapple juice most days.

47. Since living in Melbourne I have gained weight, lost weight, lost just waiting to gain hair again...

48. I worry about my boys future, so want to help them be financially secure, so they don't have to start from scratch like me.

49. When i worked in the city I read books on the train, I have not read a book for nearly 2 yrs.

50. I liked reading Wilbur Smith books

51. Since learning about the Coast to Kosi event, it will linger in my mind until I complete it one day.

52. I would also like to better my 400m pb of 54sec from high school.

53. I am a very content person easily satified to either keep busy or to sit quietly

54. Once you are my friend you will be a friend for life (if you don't cause mistrust), but don't expect me to call very often, but if coming through town I will stop to visit.

55. I wear size 11.5 or 12 runners.

56. I miss Nth NSW & QLD weather, I used to be very blonde and had a tan

57. I only recently started wearing singlets to run. T shirts hid my white arms.

58. I have never been to a famous artists concert

59. I would like to give blood, but get a cold every time I make a plan to go

60. I love playing golf, but have not done so very often since having kids

61. I have never won a major prize in a 'lucky draw' competition.

62. I had a weird idea, that I would one day buy every house I'd ever lived in

63. I would like to retire in Qld

64. I aim to choose how much I work by the time I am 50, so thats 20 yrs to become financially secure.

65. I've never been sacked

66. One day I will own a business

67. When I am ready to stop working in my business, my manager will become very well paid

68. I have big dreams, I know they won't all come true...but I also know some of them will

69. I would like to own a small acreage for the boys to have wide open space

70. My biggest weakness is I procrastinate

71. Once I get going I go at 100% till its almost done

72. Some things are not quiet finished

73. I am a night owl, but also learning to live off 5-6 hour sleep.

74. I do not like doctors, so will avoid visiting until absolutely necessary

75. I am very ticklish, so do not enjoy massage. But I will try a leg massage soon, purely for running benefit of course. (done post marathon)

76. I will not shave my legs....ever

77. When cooking I am not afraid to vary from the receipe

78. I eat very different food now than when I was growing up

79. I often wonder how life would be different if Mum did not die so young

80. I'm a pretty traditioanl guy, sometimes I don't have a very PC opinions of 'alternative' views and lifestyles etc, but I try to be mindful that everyone has their own choices to make.

81. i nearly joined the Army, they were going to pay my university, but I failed the physical....who would have thought

82. It took me 6 yrs to complete my degree, 1 yr deferred, several repeated subjects due to changing universities, then going PT so I could earn a living. Never regretted that.

83. I have never been West beyond the border of the NT

84. I started this list weeks ago and have only got back to it now.....that tells you something else about me.....

85. My height is 178cm, weight 76kg, I have wide shoulders, big palms and short fingers.

86. My knees click / grind really badly but do not give me any pain or trouble.

87. We are renovating our house, even though we didn't really plan to.....but it is fun getting it done.

88. I sold my first lot of items on ebay this week.

89. I have never placed a bet

90. At a Nike party at Sydney 2000, Prince Albert of Monaco stood on my foot accidently as he moved past. He had the manners to apologise.

91. When I first came to Melbourne I got onto the wrong train line twice....very annoying.

92. We visited Niagra Falls in the middle of winter, fresh snow and ice everywhere, a very different view to the normal postcards.

93. One of my biggest fears is that something will get in the way of my boys reaching their potential. My hope is that it will not be something that could have been avoided.

94. I regularly submit a 'donkey' vote in elections, due to having no option agreeable in a 2 party preferences system.

95. When running I like to try different courses regularly, I get bored running in the same place.

96. We used to go camping a lot, I would love to get back into it. Real camping with no facilities.

97. If I ever skydive it will not be in a tandem jump, I'll look after myself thanks.

98. I am lokking for a new job, time for change and hopefully more $$ so I can put more aside for my business plans.

99. Foghorn Leghorn is my favourite cartoon character. The Matrix series my favourite movies.

100. I eat Weetbix for breaky most mornings, have done for aslong as I can remember. Mostly for convenience, so on days off I have something different.

Phew - got there, perhaps now I can also get back to updating my running and other life stuff...