I've been sprung
A very insightful local lass has figured out my failing, a bit like a poker players 'tell', you can safely assume that if I am posting less Blog content or being less active at Ausrun, then I am not doing too many km on the road/trail or anywhere except in my imagination.
Last week was almost a disaster, if it wasn't for the enjoyment of running with TB for his & my first official sub-20min 5k, then it was a nothing week. In total I ran just the once for barely 9km.
So far this week has been better, I ran on Monday night (after 6 slices of pizza) for 8km. I ran tonight (after crumbed fish & vegies) for approx 9-9.5km (yet to measure), so far so good this week, but it has taken 2 late night runs to get there. So I suppose the verdict is that this week I have wanted it more.
The legs feel good when I am out there, a little tender in the calves, and given all the hills around here they get a solid working over. But overall I still feel stronger on any hill than I used to feel on even small ones before. There is rarely a time when I am reduced to a near walk, even tonight when on a hill I'd never run before that just kept going up an up, I was able to keep a steady beat the whole way without my lungs bursting out of my chest, and this is on a full stomach.
I still can't master the 'cruise' pace when running on my own, so it is generally faster than it should be, that is unless my cruise speed is quicker these days. But I still think my breathing is a little too heavy.
Recently I found out there is a family moving close by from the cricket club. They have 2 small children and apparently he likes to run and likes it best when with someone, so perhaps I might have a running buddy just around the corner, which is great news.
Anyway, my last insight. Isn't it fantastic to either run a familiar course (loop) in reverse, or to run in a totally new street!!! It takes the 'trudge' out of an uninspiring run, the scenery always looks different in reverse and the terrain feels very different and not at all familiar, except for big hills....you should try your normal course in reverse, but don't measure the time as it may be very different to the standard direction....