22nd September, 29km, Span
This morning was the last of the long runs with the MM07 training group.
The plan was for 28km, but we had been given a little criticism for our courses being slightly longer than indicated - I say 'its not so easy to map a course accurately AND make it interesting to run AND make sure there is water AND make sure there are shorter options in the event of trouble etc'. But I figured today was not the day to push any boundaries, so the mapped course was 27.3km and it worked out at pretty close to that - by my 205 anyway.
The group were in good spirits today, and after the first 9km (when we were on the beach path) they settled into very consistent 6min/k for the remainder of the journey.
All up we were on the road for 2hr40min.
A little extra distance getting to and from the car.
For me it was perfect. During the run I had little or no discomfort in the troubled leg, and post run I have had no soreness - even forgot to use creams / pills to settle it down. So its all looking good. I'll decide tomorrow night if I will rest all week just to be sure.
So far I'm very happy with the 205, but still trying to figure out what info I need on the various screens. Has anyone else changed theirs from the default settings?
Next Saturday is a mere 15km, so we'll just do some mucking around in the city precinct to keep it gentle and light.