Thursday, May 31, 2007

Social observation: Take some responsibility

It's been some time since I made any comment along these lines so hear goes.
2 topics to start, maybe more once I get on a roll.

It is NOT someone elses fault
In the paper this week was an article about how unaffordable the housing market is for first home buyers. Thinking this might be a well thought out piece on how tough it might be to get out of the rent trap, with getting a deposit together etc etc.

No - it was talking about the poor old first home buyers struggling to pay their mortgage. Apparently the average first home price is $370,000. Are they joking?? It also talked about the average income of these poor struggling first home buyers $80,000+

Maybe its me, but normally it takes a little bit of smarts to get to that income, but maybe not....

Come on people, get real. If you earn that much money and then CHOOSE to max yourself out on your mortgage because YOU HAVE TO HAVE, your choice of suburb, your brand new designer renovation, or brand new home, 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 10 car spaces, home theatre, domestic help lodging etc etc etc etc.

News flash - IT IS YOUR FAULT!!! Don't cry to the government about getting into your first home. Don't cry to someone who made a realistic decision about their first home.

We bought our home 3 yrs ago. We borrowed what we could (on a whole lot less income than $80k). We have consistently paid above minimum repayments, we have regularly done improvements to the home. We still don't have $80k income, but we do have about 50% equity in our home now!!! That was my choice.....

Gen Y oh Why
I found it completely amusing recently in a newspaper blog on business concepts. This blog normally does not get many replies or comments but I like checking the content in case something relevant comes up.

One day the author touched the subject of Gen Y and how they are perceived in the marketplace. Raising some ideas that I had seen in reality in the last few years.

Bang - 300+ comments.

Mostly from Gen Y people trying to say that it was all wrong or that they were completely justified in their beliefs.

In doing so, they absolutely proved that the article was 100% on target!!

I love seeing people walk into a trap, while they are telling us they are too smart for that.....

ok thats enough for now, more later....

31st May - Let's cruise baby, low and slow....

If you don't have kids that line will mean nothing.....comes from the Cars animated movie.

Anyway, after last nights effort I decided today would have to be more tame and less of an effort to try and get back on track.

Decided that Lillydale Lake was the venue, I'd run 3 extended loops (3.3km aim) for a 10km gentle run. No watch, no pace, no pressure. Just cruise baby.

Left the house in absolute pouring rain, and thought for a now I can say I'm a real runner....I run in the rain. Got to the lake, the sky parted and it was beautiful running conditions for a pretender like me.

The rain did have the effect of clearing the lake trail of humanity and I didn't see anyone until I'd almost completed my first loop, a very stange feeling given its a busy location most of the time.
By my 3rd lap it was back to the normal traffic levels.

2 laps of in the clockwise direction, then 1 in reverse. Turns out that the extension was longer than planned making a 4km course, so all up I ran 12km at an easy pace.

My car clock suggested I was running for about 56min. So it turns out my cruise pace on a flatish course is 4m40.ish, so I'm happy with that.

Shoes: Elites

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

30th May - It should have been....

This was supposed to be...... don't you love a run in new shoes....

There was absolutely nothing wrong with my new Air Span Triax, very light, perhaps a little less cushioning than I expected, but that seems to be the direction most models are following. Fit is great, nice and smooth.

My run however was not so great.
Early on I felt OK, I was mixing in some faster sections almost fartlek style to keep things a little interesting. By about 27-28min I was not in the best condition and beginning to labour a little.
It was then that the run turned into the hilly terrain, and it turned into a bit of a trudge, didn't ever feel the need to stop but it was tougher than it should be.

Got back and did Gmap for a 9.3km course, I covered the distance in 44min so it really wasn't a badly paced run, just didn't feel too great.

Shoes: brand new Spans (9.3km)

Sunday, May 27, 2007

25th May - Walk then Stairs

My lovely wife raised the idea of going for a walk early in the morning while Nanna looked after the boys, so we did....

Went in the opposite direction to the previous morning, set off at a decent clip, but the early string of down stairs meant the thought of the upstairs return was daunting.

Eventually turned around after 35min and knowing we were over time we hit the stairs hard and the heart rate and legs got going. Mrs C even got up to a jog for a little while.

Back to the 3 Sisters after about 65min.

Here I took a leave pass and went out on my own for another 30min.
I'd seen the signs for the Giant Stairway the day before and I could not resist, particularly since I had some childhood recollection from my last visit some 16years ago.

Hit the top of the stairs and....whoa...take it easy or it will be a quick trip down. Very very steep.
So a mixture of careful steps and tight grip on the rails. Got down to the bottom and then jogged along the trail for a bit to kill time.

On the return trip I had some crazy idea to see if I could go close to matching my downward speed. Well....that lasted about 30sec. The sheer volume and gradient of these stairs had me in all sorts of trouble and reduced to laboured steps unendingly upward.

G&D to keep moving, and I did better than I'd hoped early on - but definitely no speed just climb climb climb. The looks on the faces of those coming down were priceless. I'm not sure if it was "This guy is crazy" or "What am I doing - if he looks like that on the way back, what will I be like?"

Regardless - what a workout - 30 min of heart pounding, lung busting, leg melting effort - loved it. It was kind of like the express workout for the time poor.

I found out later there is approx 1000 steps.....but not sure that it is anything like the 1000 steps we know in Vic (which I am yet to visit so could be wrong)

Shoes: Pegasus TC

BTW - we had a very good meeting with our brand providers in Sydney. Nothing fixed yet, but a clearer idea of what we can do to get things going.

24th May - Katoomba Cliff run

Our accommodation was literally 100m from the 3 Sisters, a rather spectacular geological formation.....this view from a little further away.....

So I had a look at the local bushwalks and chose one that indicated 5km one way, figured 10km would be nice. Just after 7am I had the whole place to myself, it was weird knowing that at any other time there would be people everywhere.

The trail was technical at best, and at times running was impossible, but I was thoroughly enjoying the scenery, the effort required to keep going up down over and through. There were lookouts regularly so I stopped to look often, as the outlook was incredible.

After 35min I figured I should turn around. Knowing the return leg would be quicker with no detours and stops I pushed the pace a bit, and the steps and rough terrain were no easier. It was a great workout and in just over an hour I was back again.
Who knows how far it was since the National Parks distances were not accurate (500m in 45s)??? But somewhere between 9km and 10km.
One of the best outings I've had in running gear.
Shoes: Pegasus TC

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

22nd May - familiar route CP

As feared the cold took hold again, so a mixture of feeling terrible in the mornings and other stuff meant no running...and after such a promising start....

On the night before our trip to Sydney (Katoomba) I wanted to run, so went out for my old 7.75km course around home. No watch, no plans, no pressure. Just running.

Shoes: Vomero

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

15th May - 7km and an explanation

Not hard to see that I’ve been pretty lazy since the GTR….. but last night I decided enough was enough.


The start of that was me getting up just after 6 this morning and doing a 7km course around home.

Just taking it easy and making sure I got home in time to get ready for work.


Found it a little tougher than I thought I would, so I’m suspicious that I really haven’t completely cleared the cold that I had.

But I also had some really weird perception and balance issues this morning, I nearly lost my balance a couple of times when doing a head check before crossing roads or intersections, and judging the distance / speed of cars coming down the road seemed uncertain. Hopefully it was just because I hadn’t completely woken up before running, but I’ll keep an eye on it.

It was also strange that when I woke up (after alarm failed) my eldest boy was in our bed, on my side, and I had no idea when he got there….


Anyway - a nice fresh way to start the day. 7km in approx 32min.


Shoes: Elites.




I posted on Ausrun that I’ll not be stopping by as regularly to contribute. Its no secret that I struggle to find a consistency with my running, this is due to no-one but my failure to make the right decisions. I have a hectic home life with the 2 boys and a random work schedule. The only constant thing is that early mornings are free.


My other choices, have not been adding positively to either my fitness goals or my future business goals. I’m fortunate to be in a great position on both fronts; I am consistently fitter than ever before due to 17 months of half decent running base & I have an extremely exciting business opportunity on the brink of going ahead. It is almost negligent of me to give less than a high priority to both these facets of my life.


So what does that mean:

  1. Get to bed earlier so I can easily get up in the mornings to run, in theory a 5.50am wake-up for a 6am start should be an easily achieved goal if I am getting the right amount of sleep. Midnight and later every night was never going to work for me long term.
  2. To make this a habit, it has to be 5 times a week, so that the early start is the norm and not the exception.
  3. Realise its OK to run for only 30-40min, better that than nothing at all. Learn to get satisfaction from short sharp work, as much as a testing 1hr run. (I think I’ve become a 1hr+ snob – so have to change that….)
  4. Evenings will continue to be family time, but once boys are asleep, my time has to go towards my business goals. Otherwise I’ll forever be wondering why my ideas and aspirations never turn into a reality.
  5. My forum time will be limited to lunch-time reading (no posting) and weekend clean-up of dodgy users and post contents. I’ll still keep up with what people are doing and achieving as that always drives me to try to keep improving also.
  6. Of course I’ll keep up with the blogs that I subscribe to, its often the most enjoyable reading I do.


So stay tuned for the re-focussed runner and better prepared future business owner.




In order to remove some of the mystery about the current business project; I am working with a partner to bring a new brand of Kids Play Centres to Melbourne. I’m sure you’ve seen or heard of the indoor playgrounds for parties / play etc, with cafĂ© attached. We have signed a confidentiality agreement with the brand so I have to be careful with my discussions these days. Our next step is a face to face meeting with the brand in Sydney, so hopefully we can get some indication of how close we are to an agreement or confirmation of their willingness to work with us specifically. It’s very exciting!!



The new era begins now.

Friday, May 11, 2007

10th May - back into it....

After the GTR, the legs felt pretty good, but with some soreness in the calves and hammy's.

On Monday evening, we had our normal family dinner, and this week it was at the in-laws. This is about 3.5km away, so I figured I would walk/jog home to get things moving again. Walking was OK, but when I broke into a jog the impact was not comfortable, so I power walked all the way home. Its an up and down area, so all parts of the legs got moving.
Once home I was glad for the outing. This proved a wise idea, as I had no real soreness afterwards, just a little stiff in the hamstrings.

Thursday morning was the next chance for a run after, a long work day Tuesday and then not feeling great Wed night.
With the family gone out, it was a cruisy morning, then out the door just before 10am.
Had a rough plan in mind, but was going to allow how I was feeling to dictate how far and how fast. Headed towards the Kimberley Reserve and the new side of Chirnside. Feeling OK, took the loop out towards the bottom end of Black Springs rd. Felt OK so kept going across to Croydon North. Then to Bellara Dr and the trail along the creek. About here I knew it was going to be a 60min+ run so I short cut a little across to Manchester Rd.

I really don't like running home via Manchester Rd so I took an unknown path through the suburb of Mooroolbark heading up McDermot. I enjoyed this route as it turned out there was one large hill and then either flat or downhill for most of the way home, rather than the rollercoaster of Manchester.

Home in 1hr8min, my foot pod reckoned 15km, Gmaps reckoned 14km, so I'll split the difference. Happy with the run as I didn't ever push the pace, just let it happen.
Hammys a bit tender but no problems.
The knee niggle is now a memory so I'm happy about that.

As for the goal I stated previously, it should be clarified that this is a long term goal for the end of 2007 or early 2008 depending on when I can find a race at that time.

So for Stu - I won't see you at Sandown, but only because I'll be in Sydney.

I just really need something to guide my efforts in the coming months, rather than the aimless accumulation of miles and speed.
I won't race a marathon this year (but still won't rule out a pacing effort if requested in the right circumstances).

So hopefully the rest of this year will bring lots of running and some confirmations that our business is going ahead....

Sunday, May 06, 2007

GTR 2007

My post at Ausrun pretty well sums things up, so I'll copy it here in case (unlikely) anybody reading this is not an Ausrunner.

But in addition, today probably served as a bit of a wake-up call, that if I want to run faster, then I can't coast along and hope it happens.

I still hold to the no excuses for todays race. But I've still got to ask myself, if the dramas of the last couple of weeks with knee niggle (no pain today) and cold, had any affect.
Could it lead to a body self preservation mechanism kicking in??

Even so, for this year which is already a third done....I've not planned for anything or set any goals or really done anything constructive as far as running goes. Which is crazy given, I know I am faster and possibly stronger than this time last year (in some ways), and wasting it. is the goal.

To run a 37:30 for 10km.
Seems crazy, since my unofficial pb is 40:16. But this was mid way in a half marathon during a marathon preparation.
My thinking is:
1. It can't be a given.
2. It can't be achievable within 6 months
3. It has to have some meaning, ie leading toward something else later on.

My justification:
1. 40:16 is well above my potential, ie I feel I could run a sub-40 10km race tomorrow.
2. I've never actually trained for 10km, so its untapped potential.
3. If I want a low 2:5X marathon in 2008, then a 37m 10km is part of the journey to get there.
4. I like to dream big.

Anyway, for the sake of the record, here is the post of todays race....a memorable one at least.

'tis with mixed feelings that I post my race report.

Today was my fastest effort at GTR, but my worst run of the event. It also included a rather unique experience that I doubt will ever be repeated.

confused....yeah me too ....

I fronted this race with some optimism, and felt no reason to doubt this. I was able to get some last minute tickets onto the race train for the family, so with the weather cooperating, it was to be a real family event. Particularly since my boys love a good train ride (in fact any train ride).

Similar to others I was planning a fast start, and got that. I didn't take splits, not sure why, but perhaps it was due to them being in reverse, so a good chance they would be useless from a comparison POV. On the first hill, I spied SS in front, so tailed him for a while, then was able to go by. Feeling pretty good, the effort levels in check. Saw TB perhaps 50m in front (couldn't miss him the bright yellow & black).

2nd hill, and things started to get nasty. At some point SS came by again, but was able to sit about 15m back at this point. Then it happened, either the wheels fell off or I pulled a heart muscle or some other undetermined cause. I stopped to walk. Quickly decided that it was going to be 30sec. Fortunately once going again the pace was good, so I was again back within sight of SS. But worse was to come.

I had lost all track of time, since all kinds of ugly thoughts were racing around, including the preparation for a PW result. I was taking splits at the crossings but not looking out of fear. Got to the 3rd crossing with no train in sight, a first for me. Somewhere between the first walk and the 4th crossing, I had stopped for a 30sec walk on 3 more occasions. At this point, all I was thinking was self preservation. As I believe my effort (heart rate) was getting maxed out.

Around this time before the 4th crossing then for some time afterwards, I was running with the train in sight - actually along side me. Even though this event had confirmed for me (at that time) that the train had beaten me again, it did keep me going along. Mainly because I knew almost for sure, that my wife and boys would be able to see me.

The train just beat me to the 4th crossing, but from here it was mostly downhill so I gave it my all. Again I found myself alongside the train. Then the train disappeared, I realised that the track veered away from the running trail. With this I put the foot down and headed for the finish. I got to the end, and knew I'd beaten the train, but crossed the line with no great joy. I stopped my watch and saw 55.40. Huh It was a pb by 40sec.
BTW - lucky that they scanned the barcode, as my time will be a lot different since I was ushered into the wrong alley with NO attendant, so no time ticket (and no prize raffle ticket ).

So, as I mentioned. My best time, but worst race.

Why? I'm not completely sure. Perhaps a comparison: This time last year I was within a couple of weeks of a marathon. This time last year I'd covered many more miles in training YTD.
So perhaps the question is which run was a soft run. Last year - given I beat that time today Today - because of the way I went about it.

Anyway, it is still a must run event. I'll forever remember the day when my family saw more than a 3 sec flash as I go by. They were with me during one of my passions for quite a while.

5th May - pre-race check-up

After fighting off the cold, and also the niggle in the knee by not running since Monday morning.

I figured it was wise to head out for a 30min confidence checker.

I didn't want all hills, so went to Lillydale Lake so I could mix it up a bit.
Cruised around a 2/3 lap to the path leading to the wetlands. Then did a loop of the new housing area, which includes a nice hill. Then back to the Lake, then a rep of the Hospital Hill. Hills done, now to test the leg speed. Decided on using the 250m markers for on/off reps. Aimed for 60sec reps to give 4m/k pace, which should be approx flat ground pace for tomorrow. It all worked OK, the pace was comfortable.

Finished up with about 31min running.
Seemed OK at the time, but a check of Gmaps suggests this is an 8.2km if that is the case then it was faster than I wanted....humph.

Overall, it helped me go into the race feeling much better about things, especially since the knee didn't even chirp a little and my heaviness due to illness seemed to be gone.

GTR report to follow soon.