Sunday, January 29, 2006

Run 11

Today was the first planned long(ish) run for the year, I have had several runs over 60mins but none that I would consider long run style. The plan was to meet up with the Ausrun guys from the Eastern Suburbs Running Group (free plug....) on the Warburton Trail, they were running from Mt Evelyn or Seville and finishing at Yarra Junction. My plan was to start at YJ then turn around when the group got to me.

At some point I had a brain fade and decided that I might push one of the boys in the pram, I know it was a brain fade because I even chose the heaviest boy..... Anyway, a slightly later than planned start actually did me a favour and reduced the overall run time. I started at a 'comfortable pace', but soon realised I should have started slower, but running slower with the pram just felt even more unco, running with one arm and an altered stride makes the whole process very different. I quickly felt very 'rough' and was beginning to think it was a really bad idea. With the plan to run for 40mins and turn, I got as far as 30mins and I had to stop. I let the boy out of his pram, we both grabbed a drink, I did some stretches (calves mostly - they were in bad shape), and I had a little man copying my stretches - very nice of him to join in. As the group had not found me yet I figured I would keep going and see how it went, from here on I felt so much better, and basically didn't think about the calves again.
At about the 50min mark I saw the group ahead, so did the U turn and joined them.

Running with the group was much better, they set the pace, they provided some distracting (from running) discussion and the time flew from there. By the time we got back to YJ, I had been on the trail for about 1hr 45min, roughly 15min of breaks etc so it was a good run for me.
Very humid conditions led to me being absolutely soaked from head to toe.

Happy with todays run, a good starter to my long run plans, which is basically to increase my time on the road by 10min each week, in the hope that I might have a long race in me sometime this year.

This was my first 4 run week, only 1 behind schedule now.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Run 10

10 down, only 140 to go!!!!


After the heat of yesterday and the rain / wind etc overnight anything was possible when I got up at 6am today.

It was warm, cloudy and quite humid, it even rained a bit on the drive to the city. Nylex said it was 27deg.

This was to be the first consecutive days running this year so I was a little unsure how it would go. At different times my legs felt a little heavy and my breathing a little laboured, but this may have had more to do with the muggy conditions rather than my run yesterday.

It would have to be the heaviest air that I have run in for a while. But after 15-20min I felt pretty good and was able to hold a good rhythm, possibly too good since my running buddy acknowledged the pace drop when I backed it off after hearing him struggle a little.

Overall, it was a good run, about 60min and really sweated it up. Legs feel good.


Hopefully join in with the run on Sunday at Warby Trail.




Thursday, January 26, 2006

Social Observation 2

I once heard a story about a successful sports person, I think it was Mick Doohan but not 100% sure, that he used to get frustrated at times when he tried to be a normal person and just pay for things like meals in a restaurant etc, but he said the more success he had and the more he was able to pay for things, the more people tried to give him things for free. The richer he got, the harder it was for him to spend the money…..

So as time goes by I have realised more and more that the difference between normal people and the rich and famous is not just in the size of the bank balance. Even in business and the high income earners, the more money that is earned, the easier it is to find tax breaks, so the less tax etc is actually paid.

For me this week when it was announced that the tax payer was going to contribute to Kerry Packers funeral that I really had to shake my head and wonder where the logic has gone. Surely a man with billions of dollars had a little tucked away that could cover the costs of his funeral / memorial. I have no position as far as whether he is someone that the country should make a big deal about, I never really paid that much attention to him. But my tax dollars paying for his memorial, even if it is only a ‘small’ amount, does not sit easily with me.

If I ever find myself in a position of either wealth or influence, I hope that I am able to demonstrate that free rides and unreasonable advantages should not be just accepted because people have extra 0000’s in the bank.

Run 9

Australia Day – forecast temp 41, but revised to 38…… 7am and I met Tiger Boy from the forum at Lillydale Lake. Amazing the impact of having someone to meet, I was so ready to roll over and snooze, but knowing that TB would probably be there meant I was up and ready to go on time.

Nice clear morning, the smoke from the fires last night had cleared, temp was comfortable but definitely not the crisp morning that I prefer.

We started out nice and easy but quickly found a rhythm, with a plan to do some loopy laps of the Lake area we took in a course that had us finish in about 35mins without any stress. TB decided that he was up for another lap so off we went, with a little variation on the first lap. Shortened this one down slightly but we had run for about 68mins when all done. A nice way to kick off the day and much better for me to take it easy rather than trying to race myself all the time.


Thanks TB for a good run, we’ll have to do it again soon.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Run 8

On Tuesday night I had to make my run a bit shorter than I would have ideally liked, and mix that in with the fact that I was running a new course, it made for an interesting run. I went to the Dorset Reserve which does a lap of the sports grounds and the Dorset Golf Course, it is a good gravel / dirt track and it is basically flat, I would love to say with confidence how long a lap is, but after my run I was a bit confused when I tracked it on the map.
I started easy and then built it up from there, as usual when I run on my own I probably pushed it too hard too quickly. I deliberately did not watch the watch on the way and my first lap was done in 16mins. I decided to push it harder in the 2nd lap (reverse direction) in the hope that it would assist in the lead up to the Zoo race, 2nd lap 15mins. Very happy with the quicker lap and was able to hold the pace right through. But when I traced it on the map it suggested that the lap was only 3.2ks, so that meant the first lap was 5min ks and the 2nd was 4.40ish, but it felt much quicker than that, so either the distance is wrong or my faster running does not actually equate to faster k's........I'll have to test the pace on a measured course otherwise it will play on my mind.

Run tomorrow Lillydale Lake - 7am

Monday, January 23, 2006

Runs 6 & 7

A bit late, but better than never…..


I ran last Wednesday with the running group that has come from the Ausrun Forum, so that was good. Back to the Mullum Mullum creek trail, I met them on the go again as this time I was too late for the start time, it was a nice evening for a run so I felt good the whole way. With Tiger Boy & Joffa there to keep me honest we pushed the pace along a little at times so it was more than an easy run, I liked the pace a lot. Overall we were running for more than an hour so a good mid-week workout.



Friday morning I met J in the city, no others were able to make it so we decided on a slightly longer course which takes in Faulkner Park, he had not run during the week so was feeling a little sluggish, but on reflection and the time it took us the pace was not too bad. I felt very comfortable once the first couple of k’s were out of the way and I was warmed up. A slight muscle pull in my left upper back from cricket training was uncomfortable but OK once I was warm. Felt very good in the legs, soft and quiet footfall – always a good guide for me if things are working OK. About 50mins with J, and 15mins to and from car so another 60mins plus.


3 runs in for the week, haven’t caught up any but haven’t slipped further behind. I have the next 2 Sundays off work, and hoping to run a race on the 1st Feb, so mixing all that together will lead to a few 4 run weeks if all goes to plan.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Run 5

I am hopeless……I did not get a run in over the weekend. I slept in Saturday, but did play cricket in the afternoon. Sunday I could not drag myself out of bed before I had to get ready for work. So I am behind my target for 150 runs this year.

Anyway, this morning I did figure out how to get up in time, but only just. I’m glad I did, and it is crazy that I don’t just get up because I do enjoy my day better after a run…. I went in search of a trail I have seen on the map a few times before, but a quick scan along the road did not reveal anything, so I ended up on the Warby Trail at Mt Evelyn, seemed a bit crazy knowing that from there in both directions it is down hill which means an uphill return. So I decided take it easy for the first few minutes just to see how I was going, well lucky I did as I was heavy legged from the change in activity on Saturday, but after a while I did loosen up. I figured a 20min out leg would get me home in time, but as always a silly thought entered my mind, what about a negative split return leg….sure….uphill…..sure. Started ok, then kept looking up to see the rise in the trail, had to remind myself to ignore the hill just keep the rhythm up – early morning mind games. Then I just broke the run up into, next bend, end of straight etc, and it seemed to go much better from there. I also focussed on keeping the cadence of my stride up to ensure I didn’t get bogged down. Felt better as the time went by and I finished in 17.30, 2min15s quicker than the out leg, so I was happy with that and the good workout that provides.


Also did the maths for GOR Marathon, it is 4 months away……possible……possible. The Half definitely. I even have the day off already.



Friday, January 13, 2006

Run 4

This morning was the restart of the regular Friday run in the city, I reckon if it wasn’t for this regular meeting, there is a chance I may have all but stopped running.

There were plenty of times last year when I only did this Friday run in the week, and sometimes that might be a few weeks in a row….

Today I picked up an old Nike colleague who has moved close to my place, and we met up with another runner in the city.

Cloudy sky and a little drizzle but great conditions for a run, right from the start I was feeling good and had little trouble or discomfort on the tour, I even ramped the pace up a little, knowing that my partner was a much faster runner and could deal with it, towards the end running uphill on Bourke St.

We tackled the old favourite course along the river to the Telstra Dome, its amazing running along the river in the early morning, we ran past the Bolte Bridge and saw where a fun run will travel later in the year….its a long bridge….a lap of the Dome concourse and back, passed a personal training group on the way, and still can’t grasp the concept of paying someone else to make you fit – just chuck on your shoes and go…..


A good run of about 60 mins mostly at reasonable pace, legs are good and getting stronger again.


Next run, tomorrow morning, I’m a little behind already so I need a couple of runs together.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Run 3

Monday night, I ran with a group from the Ausrun forum. There was 8 in total and it reminded me of my early days with the Nike Running club, its amazing how a little effort and some consistency can lead to good things. The thought of an organised running group near home is very appealing, especially in the winter months, but it can be tough with no funds and no real venue. Perhaps I’ll follow through on a thought I had and speak to the Maroondah Leisure Centre, they may or may not have something already and may be willing to ‘sponsor’ or support.

Anyway, I was not able to run much longer after the official start time for the run, so I parked my car at the intended turnaround point, and ran down to meet the group there. I guessed that the pace of the group would be very casual so I decided to work much harder than I should for 30 mins then I could ease it back while I finished off with the group. Well 15mins in I figured out I went too hard, but it is these sessions that help make us stronger, so I pushed on. Next problem, the meeting place was not marked on the trail end of the track, so I had to do a lap of the street block to get to the street signs…..but I did find the group. It was nice to meet several of the Ausrun crew that I had not met personally before, so to run 3.5ks with them was a great way to finish the run.

Overall, probably somewhere between 8 and 9ks and generally happy with the way I am tracking, each run the legs are feeling better.


Next run – Thurs am at Lillydale Lake, or around home streets if I sleep in…..

Friday, January 06, 2006

Social Observation

Since early November, we have been dismantling and re-building the retaining wall at the front of our house. This has meant many hours working in view of all the neighbours. I think I have mentioned previously that we have been at our house for over 18 months and have barely spoken to any of the people in our street.

However, since starting on this wall, which has been noisy, messy, etc etc, all of the neighbours have become friendly, and come over for a chat or at least a hello.

I got me thinking, that perhaps when people meeting strangers who live close by really struggle for something to talk about, so when I was working on the wall, it provided an instant topic to discuss.

Either way, I’m glad that it has happened, maybe now we might slowly develop a little bit of neighbourhood contact rather than just people who live close by.


Do you have good contact with your neighbours?

2006 Runs 1 & 2

As noted on the Ausrun forum, my new plan for 2006 is to try and get to 150 runs for the year. 6 days in and I have got 2 runs ticked off. On the 2nd, I missed my planned Jan 1st run due to little boys waking up far too early…, did a 30min trot around the streets and hills near home. Either I pushed it a little too much or my running legs have really gone off, but I was thankful I decided not to add the small extension that I considered along the way. A nice comfortable run, good to get one in the bank.

Today I went to Lillydale Lake and planned to do my usual twisting, turning, loopy laps of the area, I deliberately started very slowly as I want to make sure I enjoy every run, so slow and steady till I get my legs back. A great clear and fresh morning, seemed to be plenty of people out and about, but not too many runners, and those I did pass did not even smile and nod despite my ‘morning’ greeting, they must not enjoy their running…… Legs felt OK, a couple of stiff spots but nothing that didn’t pass once I was fully warmed up. Once I got the the wetlands near Hull Rd I did one lap, and took a rough time so I could estimate how long a lap is, then decided to do another lap but much quicker, lap 1: 5m40s, lap 2: 4m30s, so rough guess suggests approx 1.2k lap, second lap at about 4min pace, happy with that.  Just trotted the rest of the way, but realised on the Hospital Hill that I need to do more running around home before I tackle Puffing Billy this year.


2 down – 148+ to go…..


70mins running in 2006