Thursday, August 30, 2007

30th August, 16km, Vomero

Up early, but later than planned, on the road at 6.30am.

Decided on the home to Mt Evelyn course, with a variation plus reversed direction.
This is perhaps the 5th or 6th time I've run this course or similar and it is becoming a bit of a favourite if I want to run more than 12-13km.

I discovered today a new very long hill..... I knew that from the Lilydale end of the Warby trail to Mt Evelyn was a relentless uphill gradient, but of course when you start from the rail crossing near Lilydale station and follow the Maroondah Hwy its uphill all the way!! over 5km without a restful flat bit.

This morning was nice, particularly when on the Warby Trail I came upon another runner going in my direction and about my pace, so I slowed slightly and had a chat for a couple of km. A nice guy just getting into running, doing about 20min a day, slowly building up. He could not believe I was planning on 42km in 6 weeks - its all perspective I suppose. His friends probably can't believe he runs for 20mins!!

With the footpod I was able to take a couple of splits, but when I got to the end and realised the distance and the time overall I didn't worry about the splits. 16km in 73min is good enough for me.

Now I'm feeling very good about having little trouble with the time and pace for the 3hr30min job I have. In some ways I'm glad I've left my preparation a bit late so it means that no matter what I do I would not be in PB shape so the temptation is not there or the thoughts of 'what if'.

BTW - I've been saving most of my runs onto maymyrun so those who think they might enjoy a trot around the undulating surrounds of Chirnside can feel free to follow the trail less travelled....

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

28th August, 10.5km, 46min, Skylon

Ok, the novelty of not wearing a watch is starting to disappear very quickly. I am almost 100% sure that I'm going to join the lemmings and get a Garmin, but I am waiting to see if I can get a supplier 'look after' through work.
I'm now really struggling with not knowing how long I've been on the road, or being able to take splits along the way.

Tonight, I had planned to wear the new Asics shoes I have been given to wear for the Saturday training runs. But unfortunately, they did not feel quite right on my feet. I have not ever worn Asics before so I had nothing to compare to. I was not willing to try them and see if they would be OK. I think I might visit a shoe store and try a few different sizes and models to discover what the problem is. There is a definite ridge under the middle of my foot, it seems to be where the material changes into the forefoot. Even earing them around the house led to some mild foot discomfort. So my 'new brand' experience will have to wait.

I did not feel like plodding around tonight, so a brief 3 step warm-up, then I was into it. With a rough idea of the loop to run I knew there would be some good downhill running and some uphill to finish. Once over the initial uphill, it was great to really try and fly downhill. Keeping the pace up all the way left me a bit sore in the back, MMR tells me I had a stop and rub at about 6km.
It was pleasing to be able to hold a decent pace for longer than in past weeks, particularly after getting over the good hill on Black Springs Rd.

Given the finishing hills slowing me down terribly, it was nice to have an average pace under 4m40s, particularly given it was an after dinner run. Again it would have been nice to know what my mid run pace was like.... soon hopefully.

Monday, August 27, 2007

26th August, 32km, 2hr35m, Span

It's a bit sad when a comment about your long run gets onto your own blog before the details are relayed.....

It was great to get out for a long run with J yesterday.
After the events of the previous day including all the wrong foods and not enough sleep, if I hadn't booked a 'buddy' there is no doubt I would have hit snooze and rolled over many times....

I woke feeling less than ideal, so avoided food and just took some fluid on board.
So it was with a sense of nervousness that I set of in the just before dawn light. Not because it was dark, but because I was about to tackle 30km+ with J who is in great form and currently running far better than myself.

Once moving, the discussion was a great distraction and even though the pace was quite a bit quicker than any other runs of this duration this year it was comfortable most of the way. Without a watch it was hard to tell, but perhaps around the 2hr mark, my lack of breakfast was beginning to cost me.

J was very good to hang with me, as I'm sure he was capable of going quicker. Once in Croydon again he went ahead, I first thought that the wheels would fall off and I'd drag my sorry butt to the end, but I found a bit of resolve so I put it in my pocket and lifted my tempo. Finishing stronger than I thought I would - a good sign the longer runs are now paying off.

It is possibly the last time I'll get to test myself at a pace close to the goal pace for race day for a duration over 2hrs, since most long runs now will be with the Saturday morning groups.

My plan now is to build my mid week running to longer and faster running. I'd like to ensure than only the long run is slower than 5min/ks.

Think of me this week as I struggle through all the left over 5yo party food......

Saturday, August 25, 2007

25th August, 12.5km, 60min, Vomero

With our 5yo having his birthday party at our house this afternoon, I had to skip the city training run. So in replacement I was up early to run the local streets.

To start with I felt terribly flat, I even yawned while running - how bad is that. With a gentle uphill to start I was barely lifting the legs in the hope of just working into it, knowing there was a long downhill not too far along.

Got a decent rhythm going and even found I could hold pace on the next long steady uphill section. Perhaps it was something to do with the growing daylight....

I got to the top of a very steep and straight downhill on Hull Rd to the Lilydale Lake wetlands. At that moment I had a stupid thought that this hill could make for a good long hill repeats - stupid - stupid runner. At the bottom, what did I do?? Yep - turned around and went back up to get a 'split' to compare against. MMR suggests is about 350m, split was just under 2min.
If you have ever checked the .csv raw data from MMR then mucked around to get the gradient % for various climbs, it can be interesting. On this hill though I think the accuracy of the information surely can be questioned. I know this hill is steep, but it suggests the middle section of this hill is 25% gradient - is this possible???

On this uphill, I had a memory of a Lance armstrong philosophy in climbing. He would talk about 'tapping a rhythm' when climbing a big mountain, it was all about monotonously outlasting the competition. Today I 'tapped' up this hill - it helped that the gradient is such that there is no choice but to be on your toes. It was a good feeling.

The rest of the run was nice. Bright morning, fresh air. Got home without being quite sure how long I'd been going since the only measurement was my SDM footpod - hard to read on the go... It was a nice feeling to see 1hr tick over, it seemed like a good time to stop.

No niggles, no problems. Feeling comfortable in the lead up to MM07. Strangely I feel more nervous at this point than last year. I guess that is through the burden of responsibility, all the more reason to make sure my preparation is of suitable quality.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

22nd August - 11.5km, 53min Skylon

Seems a pattern is emerging. Run long Saturday, plan a run Sunday - don't, feel crap Mon / Tuesday, run Wednesday night.....

This week I even laid out my clothes on Sunday night ready for early Monday morning, only to have them still waiting for me at 8.45pm tonight.

Anyway, out tonight and found a slightly different loop of local streets. Rolled along at a steady clip realising that with my long runs being much slower I need to keep the legs sharp and ready to run 42km at 5min/k's.

Up and down hills was a good workout. The long hill up Victoria Rd is always a test. I decided the best test of my resolve was to tackle Wainwright Dr hill. It looks pitiful on the mmr profile, but its a steep hill that kicks steeper for the last 100m or so. I've never run up it before so I guess it was a mental hurdle too.

On the way home I had some sort of OCD eppisode where I desperately wanted to avoid covering the same bit of ground on the way home, so I extended a bit. Then I avoided the impulse the extend the run further - a shame in hindsight as I would have made the run more than 12km..... I spose thats the problem of running without a watch.

I'm feeling most ashamed that my content is almost purely running journal stuff lately, but I'm feeling little or no inspiration to comment on lifes other oddities....

Although - I can update on a few projects I've been looking at. Kids Play centre is still in the works, but more likely 12-18months away. Other smaller business ideas have been circling, just to get into the ownership mix. Also looking at possible property projects, since the MIL now needs a smaller home, we may be able to jointly build a duplex - one for her and one to rent out. SO you can see the choices are plentiful, just need the 'lightning strike' to tell me which one to chase the hardest.....

Sunday, August 19, 2007

18th August, 30km+, Span

3hrs for 30km, starting at 9am is not my normal style, but with the run leading duties it made for an enjoyable morning out and about.
Perfect conditions for a run.

Todays run was a test for the rookies about to embark on their first marathon. They all passed with confidence.

For me, it was about getting time of steady running. Even though the pace was well below what I need for the event, it was steady and comfortable. I did have a faster section early on when I required a toilet stop, but it added distance (had to double back) to my run and I needed to work pretty hard to catch up with the group, so my fatigue in the legs was increased due to this. A good thing for me.

Will try to get back to 4 runs this week.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

15th August, 7.75km, Perseus

A couple of days feeling unsure about my health was enough excuse to stay still..... read lazy.

Out the door in the dark night for a local hilly route.

I decided very early that I would just roll around without pain or effort. Then the normal - fly by the soles of my shoes - mentaility took over.

This course has 4 hill climbs which are mentally and physically tough. So I figured I would attack the hills - it makes them go by quicker right...right....greeaat idea..... In between it was a very casual jog/ trot.

First hill is steep so I moved quicker and quicker until just near the top I worked into a sprint which carried on about 70m past the crest. Awesome feeling. Shortly afterwards I realised that is perhaps the best feeling you can get in a training run. Accelerating up a hill and smashing it over the top!!

Second hill is longer so the plan was to hold a steady pace and increase speed if possible but do not drop speed. This one was good too, not the same over the top pace, but still strong all the way.

Third hill comes quickly after the 2nd, so not much rest. This one is in 2 stages, long and steady then kicks into a steep finish. Initially I was going to work the first stage only but decided not crack this one too and push right to the top. Gut busting, but held or lifted speed to the top. Legs jelly, walk rest.

Fourth hill, steep. Got into a high cadence rhythm and built the pace again to a smashing sprint over the top and extended out for 70-80m.

Good steady pace to get home. Pretty well exhausted at the end. So much for a gentle no effort trot.....

Also pleased to be confirmed as a 3hr30min pacer for MM2007. Very happy to have a part to play in the big day in October.
I guess that means 2 things: I'd better get myself right to be on my legs for that long & I'd better get into a good 5min/k rhythm form.

Looking forward to a marathon without the pain, and also with even splits the whole way!!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

11th August, 24km, Span

MM2007 training group today.

24km in the city. A great run. Very slow in the later stages but an excellent way to spend the morning.

2hr25min, the longest time I've been on my feet in a very long time - perhaps since MM2006....

10th August, 6 x 1km reps (10km), Skylon

A morning run was postponed to the afternoon.
I wanted to complete some 1km reps on the aths track, but the wind blowing caused some concern and almost an excuse to bail.

But in an incredible show of strong will I went out.
A 15min warm-up proved the strength of the wind - it was a blustery day.

On the track, and the only timing device I had was my SDM - normally on my foot - so I held it in my hand and decided not to check splits during the rep.
My ideal split was 3m45s.

First split 3m33s - too quick but comfortable. Rest 2m27s
3m40s - 2m20s
3m42s - 2m18s (reverse direction)
3m44s - 2m16s
3m42s - 2m18s

During the 5th split I figured 5 was enough, but in some moment of madness I thought "why not 1 more" ~~~ After 300m I changed my mind and decided a quicker 800m would be sufficent and a good way to finish. It was a negative split 2nd lap to finish with a 2m45s 800m building speed to the end. Very satisfying.

With the wind etc it was both worth the effort and pleasing results for even splits in the conditions and without checking along the way.

Afterwards I went straight to cricket training, so overall an exercise period covering 2.5 hrs.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

7th August, 8.5km 35min, Skylon

Forgot to post this one.

Had a quick run from home down to Corydon aths. Thought I might get there as the Vets were finishing their long event.
I knew TB would be there.
Along the way I ran into a cross bar between 2 posts in the darkness, this kind of knocked the stuffing out of me (not literally). I was going to stop and have a chat / jog, then run back home. But I was too late they had finished and were wrapping up the night.
When TB offered a lift home, it seemed the right thing to do after my small incident. And a quickish 8km was still worthwhile.

Some 1km reps are the order of the day for tomorrow.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

4th August, 22km 2hrs, Spans

First outing with the MM2007 long run group today. There is some detail on the Ausrun forum thread, so I won't duplicate too much.

MMR showed the course as 21.6km so given errors would be 22km plus a little bit.
Total running time was 1hr58m but definitely over 2hrs with stops etc.

This was the slowest I would have run 22km in a very long time. However, I thoroughly enjoyed the time on the road, and with a group of 12 there was plenty of chatter. It was great to have some really appreciate the course and the support they received.

We'll see how this group goes, but if the numbers get up then there will be a need for more leaders particularly when the distance gets up over 30km.

For me it was nice to back up a hard run on Thursday with some extra distance today and have the legs feel good and fresh.

Might even try and get onto a session of 1km reps this week......

Thursday, August 02, 2007

2nd August - 19km, 87min, Zoom Elites

Taking advantage of the day off, and with both boys otherwise entertained, it wasn't until 9.15 that I got onto the road.

I decided to head for Mt Evelyn, from Chirnside this is about 9-10km depending on the chosen path. But anyway you look at it, the last 3km to Mt Evelyn is uphill. Either gently via the Warby Trail or steeper and rougher via the Haig Rd route. I chose the latter.

Getting to Swansea Rd in 25min was a touch quicker than I thought. 15min to get to Mt Evelyn was a decent effort. Drink stop at 40min. Then down the Warby Trail all the way to Maroondah Hwy then across continue the trail to Mt Lilydale College. Slippery and muddy along the school fence for anyone planning on going there.

Around school and back to the Trail, then towards home from Beresford Rd.

My footpod had the pace at 4.33, but it overstates the distance, so probably closer to 4.40-4.45m/km.

A good time out there today!!

As for the Training Groups and MM07 prep etc.
I am helping with the long Saturday runs, but unsure of details yet.

I am not racing MM07, but may run the event in some capacity.
I've offered to be an official pacer, but if not may find someone who requires an unofficial pacer for anything from about 3hr30m-4hr....or maybe pace a faster pace to halfway-ish....then cruise home.

I'll be leaving my 2.55 assault for next year.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

July summary

Short and sweet.

I thought it was a bad month.

With only 10 outings it really was.
But covering 139km was better than expected.

No real injuries, just lacking heart muscle.....

Pace in the legs is OK, endurance is OK.
Now just need to build gradually on both.